Your Ultimate Family Tech Support Tool

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

How we created America in a Lviv basement for CleanMyMac 😉

About the Client

MacPaw is one of Ukraine’s top software development companies specializing in Mac products. Our collaboration began with creating a 3D animation for the new version of their CleanMyMac app (more details on that case here).

This time, MacPaw approached us with the idea of producing another promo for CleanMyMac, this time in the style of an ‘80s TV stand-up show.

And we loved the concept!

The Task

The goal of this video was to showcase CleanMyMac’s functionality in a way that felt relatable and genuine to the audience. The characters share everyday situations they face due to their family members’ less-than-ideal digital experiences. But these tech struggles don’t feel like a burden—because with a little patience, love, and the help of CleanMyMac, everything is easily solved.

We felt that a stand-up show format was the perfect way to package this story.

So, our task was to bring the client’s vision to life while also figuring out how to balance retro aesthetics with the modern tech functionality of CleanMyMac.


Key challenge was finding the right location—we needed a space that could capture the atmosphere of a late-night stand-up show.

After scouting almost every stand-up venue in Lviv, we finally found the perfect spot: a small theater hall at the Hnat Khotkevych Palace of Culture. We transformed it into a full-fledged studio, complete with a live band.

To truly capture the ‘80s vibe, we went the extra mile and got our hands on a real relic—an old-school TV camera from a Lviv studio, weighing over 150 kg. We’re pretty sure that’s at least +1000 points to the overall vibe!

Once we had the location locked in, we carefully planned every detail—where the characters would sit, how the lighting would be set up, and all the camera angles.

To streamline the process, we used AI to create a previsualization of the video. This allowed us to present the director’s vision to the client, make adjustments in advance, and save a ton of time on set.

The casting process was another crucial part of the process. We were meticulous in selecting the right actors, considering that the video was targeted at an international audience. This influenced the choice of character types for the main roles.

We assembled a diverse Family Tech Support team right here in Lviv. Fun fact—our oldest actress, Grandma Tamara, is 81 years old! She was an absolute gem on set. 😍

And for those who made it to the end—here’s some premium content: our super vibey behind-the-scenes footage ❤️

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project team

and action

Ivan Ishchenko

Creative Lead

Ksenya Kurylyshyn

Producer, PM

Mykyta Kvasnikov


Kristina Ilyina


Oleksandr Tramway

Production Manager

Vlad Pen’kov

Director of Photography

Dmytro Myslinchuk


Maksym Yasynskyi


Oleksii Lieskov


Oleksandr Pavlyshyn


Oleksandr Koval, Volodymyr Koltyk

Lighting Technicians

Mykola Nester

Key Grip

Anastasiya Haydayenko

Production Designer

Katrusia Sliusarenko

Set Designer

Egor Harbuz , Oleg Pavlov

Props Assistants

Olena Lotra

Casting Director

Alina Tolsta Anna Solohub

Location Managers

Yara Sydor

Wardrobe Stylist

Ivan Kotsinskyi

Wardrobe Assistant

Svitlana Chumak

Makeup Artist

Oksana Yurchyshyn

Hair Stylist

Taras Muchychka

Behind-the-Scenes Videographer

Artem Glynka

Catering Manager

Viktor Zhyrkov

Playback Supervisor

Kyryl Volovych


Illya Kushlyk

Assistant Editor

Braion Març


Vlada Sova

Sound Designer

Dmytro Sukhodol

VFX Supervisor

Philip Miniukov


Bohdan Martovskyi

Motion Designer

Hnat Khotkevych


Tamara Syrovatka, Hennadii Shevchu, Nataliia Moroz , Dariia Chebanenko, Rehina Maiakovska, Sandra Sambo, Karlos Soaresh, Bakhtiior Ibrahimov

palace Actors



CleanMyMac by MacPaw

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