Local history
Mealeo is a food delivery service in New York State. It started back in 2008 as a website for viewing menus in the best restaurants, and today it is a well-known brand with its own app and loyal fans.
Our task was to create three videos for three different audiences. The first is the end consumer (B2C segment), i.e., those who order delivery from Mealeo. The second is couriers, and the last, third target is restaurant owners.
Before starting work, we held a briefing with Mealeo's owner Blake, and set out to make him happy. That is, to create characters that Blake himself would want to integrate on the site, updating his main character Mealeo, who had already appeared in the site's interface and app.
We created three scenarios that revealed the benefits for each Mealeo audience.
Mealeo has had a brand character for many years. And he's super recognizable. Stickers with his face can be seen all over Upstate New York.
Therefore, we had two options: to go into a completely different style and create a new character, more realistic and similar to the business owner Blake, or to update the existing character, making him more modern.
We chose the second option.

Each video also has its own signature character:
If you'd like to meet Cook, the restaurateur. Cook is incredibly passionate about what he cooks. [and cooking too]. That's why our character for the video with the target audience of restaurant owners is a good guy with a fluffy red mustache.

The Mealeo brand is part of the local community and helps to develop businesses in Upstate New York. That's why all the characters are part of the same story. And to get to the heart of the local viewers of the video, we decided to "hide" their favorite places in the story. In Cook and Maeleo's story, it's a river where locals gather for picnics and parties

The character in the second video is a spirited courier. And it was a conscious decision to choose a woman for this role [yes, yes]. It turned out that the brand's top couriers are women.

And the third video is about a father and daughter who use delivery.
Here we reveal the story of how hunger can strike you suddenly and anywhere. But Mealeo comes to the rescue. [and it does so through another prominent local landmark - the Tadeusz Kosciuszko Bridge].
The client launched the video in turn for each audience.
Did we achieve the goal? YES!!! Blake was [super] happy with the result, and he updated the website and app with our new Mealeo as the main character.
And we are super happy about it.